Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Let's be real....and a freebie!

Ok, so as teachers there are things we love to teach. For me, it's math. It just makes me happy. As a student, I just got it. Math was real. I understood it. I LOVED it. I would beg my parents to give me more problems to practice. So as a teacher, I just love seeing my kiddos get a concept they have been struggling with!

Dun, dun, dun......but, my dilemma is that I am not teaching math this year. Our entire school is departmentalized and I am a literacy teacher. Now I love reading, and I take it as a huge compliment that my administrators gave me the kiddos they did, in hopes I could make some progress with them, but I just miss the math!!

So, my teammate, who teaches my kiddos math, has been having some trouble with them identifying what comes before and after numbers up to 20. So being that I love creating products, and she needed a little something.

So, I created an I have, who has game. My partner has used my I have, who has games before and loves the engagement, so I made it for her! You can snatch it up HERE.

We have an upcoming meeting in December to reflect on our instructional design this year. This year has been a true learning experience this far (one marking period in), especially in comparison to the way we taught last year (I had 5 rotations, and was able to teach ALL the first graders--97 kiddos). Anyway, I'll keep you posted, but enjoy the freebie! Happy November :)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this great freebie! I'm pinning it, so I hope you get a little love. And thank you for linking up at the first Teaching Tuesday link up party. I hope to see you back next week!
    ~Heather aka HoJo~
