Friday, October 30, 2015

Five for Friday (END of OCTOBER)

WHAT?! WHAT?! How in the world is it the end of October already!! what a better way to end the month then to link up with Doodlebugs Teaching for their weekly link up!

Ok, what a week!! End of the marking period today, Halloween tomorrow, parent teacher conferences on Monday, whewwww....makes me tired thinking about all of it!

So today (Friday) was crazy hair day. We don't dress up in Halloween costumes, but I guess this is our schools' equivalency, so the first pic is how my hair looked when I got to school (yep it's purple normally--for now anyway) and the bottom picture is 10 minutes later after I added some spiders and festive garland :)
This kid. She is something else. She is my youngest of 4 kids. I'll just say she has my heart and she knows it!! Somehow she gets away with everything...even eating crushed cheerios on the bleachers :/
Ok, so on Wednesday I just couldn't take it anymore. I had to switch up my seating arrangement. So I teacher literacy to two different groups of kiddos. My morning group currently has 14 kiddos in it. My original arrangement was desks in groups of 4 or 5, but that just wasn't working with the 14 kiddos I had. So the 'inner circle' in the front of the room is able to have all 14 kiddos there. They are still able to collaborate and talk with the peers on their side of the room (left, right, or back).
I created the above freebie for my partner that teaches the math to our kiddos. Feel free to go snatch it up ------>HERE. Our kiddos really struggle with the concept of before and after, so thus this freebie was created!

My kiddos reading with spiders and their ROCKIN' readers glasses. They LOVED this---gotta love Target dollar spot!!

Have a great week :D


  1. First of all, I LOVE your "crazy hair"! It looks great!

    Thanks so much for the freebie!!

  2. Love the hair! My favourite colour :) I love the glasses for reading. Something else to add to my tool kit.

    Hanging Around In Primary
