Sunday, April 10, 2016

Untangle your ball of yarn

Happy Sunday friends!!

Hopefully you all had an enjoyable, well-rested weekend. I did, it was nice. Baseball season is now in full swing, however, we had low temperatures, so baseball didn't happen Friday or Saturday night. It was nice, we went out to dinner as a family Friday night, and rented some movies. Then Saturday, I made chicken gumbo, watched the movies with my kiddos, ate popcorn and leftover easter candy, and just hung out. It was soooooo niccccce! Then today (Sunday) we had a make-up baseball game. So back to reality :) 

But, if I'm being honest, I've been in a funk lately. As a teacher, I'm sure you can relate! Sometimes, all of a sudden, we are here, all funky, uncertained, angered, tired, stressed, not sure how we got here. 

Knitting is my happy place. Besides mommying, tpt creating, lesson planning, cooking, and wifey-ing, knitting is my thang :D But seriously. I needed to take a time-out. Maybe it's because my class this year has taken its toll. Maybe it's because I lost my Nana 3 months ago. Maybe it's because not everything has happened as I expected. I think as I take a step back, it's clear that my funk has been a combination of different things. I've found myself to be more stressed and realized that I need to pull myself out of it.

Do what you love. Seriously. You've heard it before, you are hearing me say it again. Do what you love!! I LOVE to knit and watch DVRed shows when my kids go to bed. Lately I haven't made time for this. I've been spreading myself thin, trying to avoid dealing with the grief of losing my Nana, attending various meetings at school, just taking on too much. So this weekend, I got back to doing what I love. 

No one can do it all. And if they claim they can, they aren't doing something (or more than something) well. Know your limits. When you feel your ball of yarn tangling, take that time out. Figure out where it's coming from, and how you can get yourself back.

♥Wishing you all the best ♥

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