Friday, April 1, 2016

Five for Friday

Hey Friends!! I am linking up with the FAN-TAB-U-LOUS Doodle Bugs Teaching for their weekly linky!

I figured how better to ring in April than with a great linky with amazing teachers!!

I had spring break last week, so I spent the last day of spring break going to visit my grandfather. His home is the place of so many of my childhood memories! I love taking my babies there to visit, and with the passing of my grandmother this year, it's been very bittersweet to go there. My kids love it, because he hands out candy by the bucket loads!! LOL :D 

Last Saturday night my own children decorated Easter eggs. I absolutely love their little hearts. My dear friend is battling cancer (for the 2nd time :( ), and every single night we pray for her. While decorating easter eggs, my kiddos decorated their eggs to say "Save Nikki" (my 8 year old pictured here), and my son (age 11) decorated a pink one and said "Beat cancer!" It just made my heart to proud of their thoughtful and loving hearts :)
My students had their MAP testing this past week. We do MAP testing 3 times a year to monitor and track their growth and progress. This year, we moved the 3rd time taking the test from mid-May to end of March! To me, it's so inaccurate to compare end of year progress of where they're supposed to be to only 3 marking periods of instruction! We still have 48 days of instruction left!! Anyway, I took this time to go crazy with re-filling my prize box, I ordered these goodies from Amazon, and my kiddos were rewarded after their finished their test with some prizes of their choosing :)

Potty training. I thought she had it back in November. Nope. We are still trying to get it!!

I have been creating some new interactive products to work with google classroom or microsoft onedrive. This was actually a no prep printable product, that I did some revamping to and made it interactive so my kiddos can get on it in google classroom. My kiddos love all things technology, as you can imagine, so any way to interest or engage them I take and run with. Google classroom this year has been phenomenal with grabbing and keeping their attention!!

Make sure to check out the other teacher bloggers over at Doodle Bugs Teaching to see what their weeks looked like!!

Wishing you all the best in April!!


  1. Your children are so sweet and thoughtful. It's great to hear stories about the positive things children do. Thank you for sharing.

    Stacy @Made with Love

  2. How fun to connect with another 1st grade teacher! I'm new to this blogging thing and having so much fun with it. Looking forward to hearing more about your 1st grade classroom!

    Joyce @1st Grade Pandamania

  3. Your children are so sweet!
    We are eventually heading towards Google classroom, so I love getting a feel for ideas now! Thanks for sharing!
    Shine on in First Grade

  4. Your interactive product looks great! Hoping to start with Google classroom next year.
