Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Ten on Ten (November)

Hello Hello! I am linking up with the amazing Rachael from The Classroom Game Nook for the monthly linky 10 on 10. You share 10 pictures on the 10th of each month with what's going on in your life! So here is what I have been doing!

Leaves!! Everywhere! They stick to my socks, coat, they are throughout all my rugs, all over my kids! They are seriously everywhere! But I don't mind them so much when my kids get so much enjoyment from playing in them :)

 Go Noodle is a life saver! Especially when it's Friday afternoon and your kiddos are just D.O.N.E.
 Nouns. The kids LOVED labeling everything in the room, including parts of my body--i.e. chin, hair, ring lol :D

My darling little sister! I absolutely love her, and I don't get to see her NEARLY enough. But last weekend I was able to attend a bonanza to benefit her boyfriend's brother's memory. I loved spending time with her.
 I have been doing somewhat of a 'whole language' approach with one of my groups of kiddos, and these are the words they have mastered thus far! Along with some of our word of the day words from the phonics program we use!
 BrainPOP!! LOVE IT! :) We didn't have it to start the school year off, but luckily our PTO purchased it, and THANK goodness, because there is so much good content on there! And the kids love it!
 So the 2nd Marking Period has started. I finished up another pack of homework. The kids love it!! They always want to work ahead, and when I tell them only to do 1 night at a time they get so upset!
 Because my friends have trouble with listening, we spent a couple days working on accountable talk. I love this anchor chart! I found a version of it on Pinterest and went with it to post in our room!
 Had parent teacher conferences last Monday (11/3). I only had 5 out of 14 parents show up!! I was seriously BLOWN AWAY! So most of my day was spent with my partner and doing conferences with her parents (since I teach their kids literacy in the afternoon). But I finished my day with this wonderful tub of ice creamy goodness ;D

This was my babes on Halloween :) The boys wanted the scary masks this year, and Alexa (the baby) was NOT happy!! I had to keep her distracted to put her on my other daughters' lap to get them to all take a picture together!!

And that's my month in pictures!! Head over to Rachaels' blog to link up!!


  1. Love the post-its! That is on my list of things to do with labeling :) Definitely going to check out Go Noodle! Thanks for the pics :)

  2. I agree about Go Noodle being a life-saver! Couldn't live without it in my classroom! And my little sister made my 10 for 10 also. Sisters are the best! :)
    Lauren - Keep Calm and Love Kinder
