It is Finally here!
All of us have been thinking about good ways in which to treat our readers and followers. We thought hard, and I mean it! Really, really hard… and decided that we can treat you to our best ideas to work smarter rather than harder… at school and home!
I know what it takes to be a great teacher, the stress, the time, the energy… I could go on and on! I also know that we crave time to ourselves and our families.
Ok, so although I think classroom jobs are awesome, and they can make a super cute display. I just don't have time for them!! I mean seriously, my walls are already filled with student work, CAFE and Daily 5 strategies, our classroom rules, our phonics posters, and our classes' birthdays. So this is what I do for classroom jobs.
I have a 'helping hand'. All my students names are on paint swatches from Lowe's and they are on a ring. Every day I just go to the next person. The helping hand helps with all daily duties: our line leader, taking attendance to the office, passing out papers, leading us in our phonics drills, helping take lunch count.
So I am one busy momma :) My fellow working moms, I'm sure can relate!! I like to un-wind playing with my babies, Karter (10), Katie (7), Christopher (5), and Alexa (1).
I also try to treat myself to coffee---since I'm a coffee freak, especially after a long and/or tiring week of work!! I love Starbucks, however, I rarely splurge and go there, unless it's been a super stressful week :)
One product that has made my life easier is my Common Core No Prep 1st grade Bundle. The 1.NBT No Prep Bundle includes printables for quick check assessments, games, or homework and it made my life so much easier! I also have a 1.OA No Prep Printables Bundle for all the 1.OA standards. I loved teaching math last year and I took so much pride in creating products for my kiddos and then turned into my 'baby' on TpT :)
Top all these great tips and ideas with these top-notch prizes!
A $100 gift card to Amazon
A $50 gift card to TpT
2 $25 gift cards to TpT
1 $10 gift card to TpT
Thank you for reading! And now don't be silly and get your hands all over this awesome giveaway!!
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