Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Fall Blog Hop

Hello Friends!! I am teaming up with some terrific bloggin buddies to bring you the 2015 Fall Blog Hop!
Thanks to my dear friend, Stephanie, who organized all this fabulous fall-ness fun!! You can check her out here....
Ok, so has anyone else had a panic attack this year, or has it just been me? I have started year 3 in 1st grade, and friends, I am still struggling with the start of school! I kinda thought I'd be past that beginning of the school year anxiety, but nope--it has hit me hard!!
I do have to say FALL is my favorite time of year!! From the yummy food, to my anniversairy, one of my children's birthdays, football, the back to school rhythm, and of course the fall scented candles!!! LOVE THEM :) So I guess my beginning of the year teacher tired-ness is ok---because I have so many wonderful things happening during these great months!

Ok, so now onto some goodies!! I start the year off talking about characters (if you are a common core state or school, that standard would be RL.1.3). My kiddos love Chrysanthemum and we start the school year off by reading it and talking about how we feel as well. Then once we start talking about characters, we revisit Chrysanthemum, and start digging into character traits. I often use an exit ticket or response sheet that says, I think ______is _______ because _______. That way the student can choose which character they are describing and giving me the reason why. So I've created my newest freebie to go along with this!

You can find that freebie by clicking on the image above!

This green shade is one of my favorites!! In fact, I just purchased this bag from Target last week! You can find it here.

This is another must have! I love these pants from Old Navy--I just bought this color, I also have navy, gray, black and a green that has black polka dots! They are super comfy and you can find them here

My favorite time of year to burn candles is when it starts getting cooler outside. I am NOT a candle snob, I will buy candles from anywhere, however, I have found in my candle buying experience, Yankee Candles do seem to smell stronger for a longer period of time. One of their fall scents that I love is Autumn Leaves! You can find it HERE.

Ok, so because I love fall so much and I know how tired and stressful it can be at the beginning of the year for you as a teacher, I'm running a giveaway for a chance to win a $25 gift certificate to Teachers Pay Teachers! Of course I would love you to spend it in my store, Momma with a Teaching Mission
however I want you to get what you need for your kiddos and classroom :) I will announce the winner on my blog when the Fall Blog Hop ends on 9/26, good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Next stop on the hop is


  1. Thanks for the freebie and giveaway opportunity, Melanie! :)

    Mrs. Beattie's Classroom

  2. Um, broke. CHECK! Tired... can I check that one off a few times?! I love my job more than anything, but man do I come home exhausted at the end of each day.

    Oh, and Autumn Leaves is one of my all time fav Yankee Candles for fall! Smells SOOO perfect for fall!

    Thanks so much for participating in the hop!
