Sunday, August 2, 2015

TPT Back to School Resources Link Up

Hello! I am linking up with some OH SO FANTASTIC teachers to bring you some must-haves for back to school! My name is Melanie and I am a first grade teacher in Maryland. Much of my resources that I create are for primary aged students.
Have you heard about the sale that is happening tomorrow, Monday August 3rd and Tuesday August 4th?!?! Many stores are having sales (including mine) and then MAKE SURE you type in the TpT Promo code upon checkout to receive up to 28% off of items.
My most wish-listed item, is the one listed above. It is a Non-fiction Unit ALL ABOUT SHARKS! My students LOVED learning about sharks last year. This includes posters with informational captions, vocabulary cards, mini-books that are differentiated, as well as some no- prep printables. You can access it by ------>Non-fiction Shark Unit

Another item that may be helpful to you or your classroom is this product all about Community Helpers! It contains 12 printables with different community helpers. Each printable has a passage and comprehension questions to go along with it. It would work for independent readers in 2nd or 3rd grade, or later on in the year in 1st grade. You can preview it here ---->Community Helepers NO PREP Printables

As we all head back to school, I wish you a fantastic new school year!!

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