Monday, July 6, 2015

Week 3 TpT Seller Challenge

Welcome to Week 3 of the TpT Seller Challenge!!

I am linking up with Jen from Sparkling in Second, Emily from Third in Hollywood, Amber from Peppy Zesty Teacherista, and Ashley from Teach Create Motivate .

So, with the end of the school year, so changes were made within our building. I shouldn't just say 'some'---because that makes it seem minor, but MAJOR shifts were made, that some of our staff were not happy about. We are completely changing our instructional model. Teachers in our building are not just responsible for their X amount of kiddos--closing their door and blocked off from the rest of the world for 180 days. With 40% of our kiddos (700+ kiddos in our building) being below grade level, we had to switch it up. Because like I've said before---the definition of insanity is doing the same thing OVER and OVER again and expecting different results. So teachers in our building, for the upcoming school year, are either ELA or STEM teachers---and then assigned to a grade level.

I was fine with this change. Last year my first grade team was departmentalized and it worked great for us. I will be teaching ELA to 1st grade, and I am super stoked about it! I have been planning like a feign!

So I've been mapping out the standards I am responsible to teach the 1st marking period--and along with this fantastic resource The Common Core Companion: The Standards Decoded by Sharon Taberski and Jim Burke I have been planning away!!

One area which I feel like we didn't do well this past year was the homework. As a first grade team, we believe the homework should be a short review of that days' activities. This past year, we sort of felt like the homework was an after thought and sort of just thrown together.

Hence my masterpiece I finally finished! It's a product that I am using for my 1st grade kiddos, completely aligned with the standards we are teaching the 1st marking period!!
It includes a letter to parents, and 39 days of homework. We follow the pattern of giving homework this way:
Monday-Fundations (our phonics program) homework, Tuesday- number sense homework, Wednesday- students read a paper take home book and then do the activity in the packet, Thursday- math facts homework. We don't give our students any home work on Friday.

Here you can find my:  1st Grade No Prep Homework Pack

I still have a lot of planning to do before the school year starts in August, so wish me luck!! :D

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