Friday, July 24, 2015

Last Hoo-rah

So today was my last day official off school (insert sad face). Monday summer school starts---I actually got summonsed (I'm not sure if that's the correct spelling) for jury duty, so I start summer school Tuesday.We have had a great summer, but it has been tiring!!

This picture was on our way back from the Outer Banks in North Carolina last Saturday. These kiddos were tuckered out! The beach was fantastic! The kids loved it, the house we rented had a pool and they swam every single minute they could.

They also loved the beach too! Although mean old Mommy wouldn't let them get in too far, they still had fun in the sand and surf fishing.
It has been a fantastic summer being able to be home with my kiddos, I have also got to enjoy some books that I have wanted to read.
I am a wee bit obsessed with Jennifer Serravallo and her books!! Fantastic! You have to go to amazon and order them!!

I am looking forward to being back on a schedule again! I truly miss teaching and am looking forward to my new group of kiddos. But I will miss moments like this:

I hope you all have a great end to your summer! :D

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