Sunday, June 28, 2015

My Favorite Quote

Hello! I am linking up with my girl Monica from I Heart Grade 3. This week is about our favorite quotes!
I have missed the last few weeks of this awesome link-up. I have been super busy running around to professional development sessions for my school, and hauling my kiddos to doctors and dentists appointments. But things are slowing down a bit, so of course, blogging was first on my list of to-dos (even before laundry and grocery shopping haha).

So I have always loved quotes! I remember being in 7th grade, and spending all my free time writing quotes on my folders for school :) In fact, when I started on Pinterest 3 years ago, one of the first boards I created was my Love it Quotes Board. Feel free to check it out :)

So my favorite quote.....that's a tough one. There are so many fantastic quotes out there. So of course I can't pick just ONE!!

Faith is an incredible thing. It makes people think, feel, and act in ways they wouldn't if they didn't have faith. In my life, there have been turning points when I have made decisions that were entirely faith-based. I had faith in my God when I decided to take the dive to going back to school with 3 young children at home to finish my dream of becoming a teacher.

One thing I have noticed, is everyone wants the quick way to success. Here's the secret--you have to work for it! Hard work pays off!! I had to work incredibly hard managing a household and a family (and a full-time job) while going to school full time for 3 years to finish my bachelors and masters degree. It wasn't easy, but oh my, it was worth it :D

The last quote is an Irish proverb. I think so many people can relate to this quote. In particular, it makes me think of my grandfather who passed last April. I know I will one day see him again :)

Make sure to check out others quotes who linked up with Monica from I Heart Grade 3


  1. Hi Melanie!

    I'm so glad that you are back for another round of my linky party! Hip! Hip! Hurray!

    Great job on your quotes. You have some great words of wisdom for the different periods of your life. I think I might try that out sometime!

    Have a great day!


  2. Great choices! I particularly like the Irish Proverb. Enjoy your summer!

  3. Loving your quotes and the reasons behind them!
