Tuesday, June 16, 2015

A Kick in the Pants

So yes, I titled this blog post "A Kick in the Pants", cause really....don't we all at some point need a kick in the pants? Whether we need to get a reality check about our health/wellness or spending habits or relationships or spirituality or in my case----my older products on TPT!!

So I joined the #TpTSellerChallenge with the amazing ladies Emily @ Third in Hollywood , Ashley @ Teachcreatemotivate, Amber @ Peppy Zesty Teacherista, Jen @ Sparking in Second Grade

This is a challenge for TpT sellers to improve their stats, gain followers, and grow their business. So I am all up on that!!

So the week 1 challenge was titled, "MAKEOVER MADNESS". The directions were this, "Head to your store and find one product that needs a facelift. You can completely redo the product, or just the cover page!"

So immediately I thought about one of my first products. It's a project based learning activity for back to school. This is what it looked like before....

And I decided to COMPLETELY RE-DO it. The first reason being I didn't have it saved as a powerpoint for me to edit, and second---it just needed it!!

So here is some of the after pics!

So I'm super excited to continue with the #TpTSellerChallenge, and I think I'm off to a great start!! Join in the fun :)

You can find my made-over item in my store Let's Go Back to School Shopping MADE OVER!


  1. LOVE the way it looks! Great job! When I did mine, it kind of inspired me to look at some more of my products!

  2. Love the bold and bright colors on the cover! Looks like a lot of fun!
    Joya :)
