Thursday, February 19, 2015

Worship Wednesday 2/18/15

So I'm a little late linking up with Adventures of a Schoolmarm for Worship Wednesday. But hey, better late than never!

This week's bible verse came as I was scrolling through Pinterest. Man, I love Pinterest :) So many things, possibilities, inspirations. But I saw this and it just spoke to me.
This come from Matthew 5:14 Be the Light. The image of lights is just beautiful. Being the light is beautiful. He is the light and that is wonderful.

There are so many hiccups and misfortunes in this life. However, we have two options. Choose to think about the negative, worry about what might happen, speak of yesterdays' memories (instead of todays' joys), or compare your journey in this life with someone elses'.

OR You can be the light. You can light up the room with a smile. You can light up someones' day with a hug or a listening ear. You can light up the moment with a positive remark.

I really try to be positive. Because really, there is no other way to be. The alternative is just depressing!! Be the light. Shine. Love him. Love yourself.

Things are going to happen. That's life!! I'll be the first to attest to it. Nothing is simple. Nothing is storybook. However, shine through it. Remember, God wouldn't have brought you to it, if he didn't think you could do it. :)

God Bless you!


  1. I love this so much! Thank you for linking up this week. I had a lot going on in my personal life, so this was a perfect reminder to be light amidst the darkness. :)

  2. Beautiful picture and reminder! Love it.
