I am linking up with Jessica Tobin from Second Grade Nest for my 2015 Resolutions!
I aiming high with 5 resolutions, but if you don't aim high, you'll never know otherwise!
One of my personal goals I have set is to exercise more. I am not going to put every day, because I know that is unrealistic. I think it is incredibly important to be realistic with goals or resolutions, otherwise it is too easy to give up. I would like to try to run once or twice a week, I used to enjoy running, but with life getting so hectic, I just haven't been able to.
Ok, so it is NO secret I am not the best housekeeper. In fact, as I sit here typing this post, the mess of Christmas presents is staring me right in the face! So in 2015, one resolution I want to take seriously is to set a schedule for cleaning and stick to it. My children, well the older two, are old enough to be able to help me to some things around the house. So why not take advantage of that, right!??! So during this next week that I still have off school, I'm going to make a schedule for cleaning, and we are going to stick to it!!
So another personal goal of mine to to continue to pay off my debt. Credit cards are evil, and they were almost the death of me (not really lol). I got my first credit card when I was 18, and had no concept of it! Things just started to spiral downhill when I become a single mom at age 21, and was just living outside my means. When I met my husband, he helped me pay off a lot of it. But then when I decided to go back to school, I had to take out a loan for college. Then during my time in college, I used credit cards to buy things I used to be able to buy with money I made from working. So needless to say, last summer I taught 6 weeks of summer school, and made an extra 5,000 and as able to pay off a good chunk of my credit card debt. There is still some there though, and of course my student loans. I would love to work really hard (without teaching summer school) and be able to pay off more of my debt. Although I will say, this year because of TpT I did NOT buy any Christmas presents with credit cards, which I normally always did, so YAY :)
So before I became a teacher 2 years ago, I worked in the Human Resources department of our school system. I worked 12 months a year. The summer after I graduated with my Masters of Arts in Teaching, I taught summer school. Then the summer after my 1st year teaching I taught summer school. So my goal this summer, is to NOT TEACH SUMMER SCHOOL! The school system always has a hard time finding teachers to teach summer school, but I am going to try to take the entire summer off to rejuvenate and spend time with my babies :)
I really want to increase my business as a TpT seller. I think the possibilities are endless there, as I have read about different sellers and their success stories. Currently I have 181 followers. I have been on TpT for about 2 years as a buyer, but as a seller since August 2014. I have seen a steady increase in sales (about doubling every month). I have been plugging away my free time working on products, after the kids go to bed, I am creating products, marketing, or reading the forums. I would be estastic if I could reach my goal of making each month what I made in all in 2014 :)
Head over to Second Grade Nest to read others resolutions!!
Wishing you the best 2015!!
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