Saturday, December 13, 2014

12 Days of Christmas

So :) I am going to attempt to blog every day between now and Christmas!! I have very good intentions, so hopefully I will be able to follow through!! I will be throwing a sale in my TpT store, every day a different item will be on sale! Here's a link to my store :Momma with a Teaching Mission

The item that will be on sale Sunday December 14 will be Project Based Learning All I Want for Christmas It is originally $5, but on sale for $3. Now I know I am partial, but this is a great product!! Students can go shopping for themselves or their family members based off the task cards with different items and different prices. You have to check this out. I know you probably already have next week planned out, but maybe this could be something you add to your curriculum or plans for next year.

Along with that, every day I would also like to give you a little peek into my life!!

So the countdown begin...being a child of the '80s, I was born in 1983, I love watching those corny movies that were popular when I was a kid. Today Look Who's Talking was on!! Of course I took a pic and posted on instagram :) I love that movie and also Kirstie Allie and John Travolta and the talking babies. There are so many other movies that remind me of my childhood as well. The Neverending Story, Jumanji, He-Man and She-ra shows, ahhh the memories!! I know I am probably missing some great movies, but this lacking sleep momma needs some shut-eye! Wishing everyday a blessed evening!

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