Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Ok so today I finally had my physical (which I haven't had in like 4 years), I know I need to take better care of myself! But my logical thinking is that with all the babies I've had in the last 10 years, if something was wrong with me the OBGYN would have found it :)  Speaking of my babies, here is a picture:

So Christopher just turned 5 in September, Katie is in 1st grade, Karter is in 4th grade, and Alexa will be 1 year old in November! Craziness I know!! But these 4 are my passion and the reason I do everything! Anway, back to the title of this post--OUCH! SO at the doctors today they asked if I wanted a flu shot, of course, as a teacher, being exposed to so many germs, I said YES PLEASE! But I forgot out sore it makes your arm!! As I sit here and type my arm is still a little sore! Remember your flu shot! Have a great night!

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